Too much cuteness...it is hard to bear! Pooka was has been well received. Gabriel (pictured above), Rosco, and Koshi have been soooooo curious about her since she arrived late last night. It's really adorable. And pooka is a great cuddler! She is already bringing much joy.
This morning (early! 5-ish) my mom took me to Flagler's Outpatient Surgery where I had something called a "Powerport" (or Power Port) installed under my skin. This device looks like a purple heart with a long purple tube running from it. (By the way, today happened to be "purple day" at hospital, so many of the nurses were wearing varying shades my favorite color!). The Power Port is actually really a pretty neat invention. My mom used to work with chemotherapy patients when she was in her twenties, so I have heard how harsh the chemicals can be on a patient's ordinary veins. The Powerport is actually threaded through the patient's jugular vein and outputs into/near (?) the superior vena cava. Blood can be drawn through this port and intraveinous fluids/medicinces can be speedily and efficiently delivered to the patient. When my skin heals up, all that will be visible will be a little bump, where the port lives for now. I will have the port as long as needed.
The surgery was easy, at least for me, because I was given some great drugs and I felt safe. There were two kinds of medicines given to me intravanously (i have a feeling i keep spelling this word wrong. ahh its 7:14 in the morning, i'm gonna let it go!). I think that one (of the meds) was a mild sedative (puts one in a kind of waking sleep) and that the other was a painkiller/number. ("Painkiller" is an intense word, isn't? Hmm.) After the surgery, the nurse who had been administering the drugs to me told me that I had a strong tolerance! (Haha! I thought that was funny!) She had told me before the surgery that she would give me as much as I could handle. While lying on the surgeon's table, I remember being asked every so often questions like, "are you feeling relaxed," "how are you doing?" One of the nurses suggested that I imagine being on the beach in the sun by the waves, checkin out the cute guys. I liked that. I remember kind of laughing at one point. I think I was feeling pretty good.
Thank you God for modern medicine! Seriously!
Today I basically layed around with Pooka and tried to rest/relax. The area where the powerport was inserted has been a little sore, but it is feeling better and better. There is lots of good, healing energy in my house and the animals are showering me with it as well. I am so glad that Pooka is here with me!
I am feeling incredibly blessed, loved and taken care of. Family and friends have been soooo wonderful. I feel tons of support on every side and I am truly grateful. I am living a beautiful and blessed life, surrounded by angels.