Well not really a huge one, but what can I do if I can't complain?
My "problem" is with the American Indian Courting Flute.
I want to use it to do my Group Instrumental Application for Music Rec. Tech. on Tuesday.
Does that make any sense? I certainly hope not.
(Hee hee. Just kidding.)
The problem is, I need a clear G note...and G and F are sounding exactly the SAME.
No good. They have got to be distinct.....precisely a whole step apart, for this to work.
Or...I need to find a different instrument to use.
To update you on health things....my little lung thing that I was recently so concerned about turned out to be just a cold! And it is almost completely better!
So, things are good. :)
And I am grateful. :)
Happy Superbowl Sunday!
(And Happy Birthday, Steve Day! )