On to other things. Or not. Just things.

Posted by admin on 2/25/10

I was going to write about my latest obsession with wedding blogs and all things DIY. (Who knew I was crafty?) But then I remembered that this blog is about cancer and dance and not my lack of focus. Stay on track, Chemo Girl.

A report on this cycle, my 3rd. The first dose left me wondering whether my nagging symptoms would drag through the next treatment. Thanks to an easier experience on my second dose, I credit a few things:

-The chemo drugs were pushed through my IV at a slower rate this time. (Thanks drug-pushing nurses!) Two drugs are administered via syringe, so it's totally up to my nurse and her thumb. The other two take a slightly longer journey from very severe looking plastic bags and swirl through a long tiny tube into whichever lucky vein we've picked this week. The miracle of chemo.

-I've had the extreme fortune to participate in a very conveniently timed research study involving fascial release work. My fearless massage therapist, Jenice, takes on the weekly quirks facing my body. Initially I really noticed a reduced amount of jaw pain, and flu-like aches are significantly less. Insert positive testimonial HERE!  (Unfortunately I don't know how to add links to posts. Who wants to teach me?)

On to chemo treatment number 6! Almost halfway...
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