Some People Give The Best Christmas Presents (hint: look for a little yorkie pooka face!)

Posted by admin on 2/16/10

This is slightly out of order I am seeing..but so am I, because I am that tired.
8:OO AM Music Theory Exam, here I come!
But not before my early early morning study sesh.

Today was the perfect weather to wear my special yorkie scarf from a special lady who can play the heck out of some cards. ;p I used the poster featured in the picture below to scrape the ice off of my windshield. No worries..the poster has played its role on the stage that is Music Rech Tech at FSU. It is now free to be an ice scraping instrument if I designate it as such. However, merely the poster, by itself was not enough, I had also to enlist the my hand mittened hand, to rub rub rub a reasonably large shape for the safety and accuracy of early morning driving.

Too much cuteness and love.
Between this and the care package I recently received from another of my parent's FSDB community, I'm seriously thinking that I have the best friends and parents and parents' friends in the whole wide expanse of God's good green earth.
Maybe it's the Ambien...slowly losing....consciousness.
Good Night Friends
And Good Night Moon

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