Yay, Good News is Good

Posted by admin on 3/12/10

I am feeling grateful and relieved because my appointment went very well today!
It was worth the hour + wait to hear the good news.
The latest thing with the lungs, the pulmonary pneuminitis has improved by 85-90 %!
That is fantastic news and it means that I can soon start cutting down my 10mg of Prednisone per day even farther! Yes. Within two weeks to a month I should be off of it completely.
The one tiny thing noticed by the radiologist who read my CT scan today, is that the "mass" is the same size as January, but slightly larger than August. Which made both my mom and I go, "Huh?" Does that really even make sense? I guess it sounds like the person who read it in January just didn't notice or something? But I okay in my mind about this because my dad mentioned that he heard tumors (he has a small benign tumor in his ear: it is called ANA) swell when they are radiated. So that would make sense time-wise, since I didn't have rads until October. ANYWAY. Done with the worrying and stress for a while! Sunday I will drive back to Tallahassee and re-immerse myself in the world of Music Therapy and college. I love love love it. Thank you, God, for taking care of me and answering my prayers about today. I like your answer!
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