Him:- Didn't the surgeon want you to go into hospital today Mummy?'....
Me:- Yes he did, but we've delayed it for 2 weeks while I sort a few things out first and do some stuff that I want to do before I go into hospital
Him:- Stuff you want to do in the next two weeks?
Me: - Yes - like get you completely settled in your new school; make sure you're happy with the travelling by yourself; organising a few bits and pieces here to make it easier for Daddy to run things when I'm not here for a few weeks; spend next Monday with you as you've got a day off school and we can go somewhere
Him:- What you SHOULD do is spend the next two weeks farting and going to poo as much as you can so that when you can't do it any more you'll be all farted out anyway.
LOL, what can you say to that......:-)
Then around the end of last week was this conversation.....
Him:- Mummy, are you feeling totally okay about things now, y'know the operation and the bag and stuff?
Me:- Yes, I'm fine. I've accepted that I'm going to do it now and once it's all done I'll be fine
Him:- You DO sound really positive about it all now
Me:- Yes, thanks -I'm feeling okay about it now
Him:- Bet you don't feel so positive when you wake up hooked up to machines with tubes coming out of your body after the operation though