A few days ago I was concerned about what I described as a "skipping" or "whoosh" feeling in my body. I posted an emotionally charged blog here (which I deleted most of) and then thought, why don't I post about my "whoosh" feeling on the Hodgkin's Lymphoma Forum? Wonderfully enough, the very first reply I received was a from a girl (fellow cancer warrior) who asked if I was drinking a lot of caffiene, because caffiene could cause this feeling. (By the way, I'm pretty sure this feeling can be described as "palpitations"). I thought back and though I hadn't been drinking what I would consider "alot" of caffiene, I was in the habit of drinking one cup at most from the coffee press when waking up "early" in the morning (8-9ish!). I did this BEFORE exercising, which is when I noticed the palpitations the most. Hmmmm....
So I cut out the coffee to see what might happen. And....vwa-la (viola?)! Palpitations= gone!
Super simple. So glad!