10th Jan - day 6 of 2nd cycle of chemo

Posted by admin on 1/9/11


Unpleasant explosion in Wolverhampton, England ............ AVERTED!!!!!

You can all sleep peacefully in your beds now!

Today, my back, shoulders, arms, head, neck and the bottom of my feet are very tender.
I feel as if I have been beaten!
Other than that, it is the same as yesterday, so not to bad.

Oh, in an earlier post, I did say that I had made a complaint to B&Q. I just wanted to let you know that they did get back to me and said that they had taken my comments, 'On board'......

I also had a letter stating that the insurance company was definitely going to pay out on my critical illness policy. So that is good.

I really would advise any one to take this type of policy out, because, you never know.........
Anyway, I intend to pay for my funeral so that my children are not burdened with it.
(Not that I am intending to go anywhere!)
Nope...I am here for a long time yet!

I think that I may be able to stray a little way from the 'conveniences' today, so I am going to check at the bank and see if the money has been deposited yet, and if it has, I may even treat myself to something nice.

I can dream, can't I? Lol
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