12 Jan

Posted by admin on 1/11/11

Back on track!
Yesterday was a good day!

I was busy doing boring housework chores, and then I went out into town............
(Insurance Company has still not deposited the money, - little devils).
Spent 4 hours in town, stopping when I felt I needed to.......
I bought some more head scarves.....
Better be careful that the buying of new 'head coverings' doesn't put my shoe and earring obsession in the shade.

EEEEEEK, Shock, Horror!
Don't worry girls, I wont let you down,
I will ensure that I divide my obsessions equally between all 3!

Shoes Rule! O.K!

Side effects.....
Sore mouth, tinnitus, sore lips, body hurts all over, especially the bottom of my feet, tiredness, changing eye sight, shaking hands, occasional nausea, nails in poor condition, heartburn, pretty much the same ones.......

When I went out yesterday, I wore my scarf on my head, and a 'cap', (straight out of the '60's - fab!).
Anyway, it created a blind spot when I was driving, so as soon as I got to town, the first thing I bought was a woolly hat that looked like a teddy bear....ears and all!

A bit like this one.....................
Couldn't resist it. I can drive safely in this.
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