18th Jan - day 14 of 2nd chemo cycle

Posted by admin on 1/17/11

Well, sinusitis has come back as last time. Heartburn remains. These are the 2 'biggies' at the moment.
The others are more manageable
My daughter is coming today!
We will be discussing her  wedding.
I am really looking forward to it..

The insurance has been paid at last!
I can now make sure that my funeral is paid for, help financially with the wedding, help my son get a new car, (his died this week).

Organise some family week ends away, making sure that I plan them to coincide with my 'good days', and save the rest to see us through in case I need to take more time off work than I had anticipated and still pay all the household bills.

Yes, all is quiet on the Western Front!
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