Fruit & Vegetable Phytonutrients

Posted by admin on 2/20/11

When it comes to fruits and vegetables, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber are important to human health. If you are considering buying a phytonutrient powder or any other type of phytonutrient supplement, here are some facts you should know.

Phytonutrients are quite simply "plant" nutrients. Plant were taken from the Greek word for plant. The word "phyto" has the same meaning and are interchangeable. For the purpose of publicity and emotional, even if a complementary phytonutrients that phytochemical sounds better, especially for people who are looking for all natural products.

Fruit and vegetable phytonutrients

the public health organizations always advise people to eat more fruits and vegetables, phytonutrients are a big part of the reason. There are many phytochemicals. powder phytonutrients in fruits and vegetables, can contain many of them in summary form. E 'should read the label, if you are interested in the health benefits associated with a particular compound. Educating yourself is the key.

There is no doubt about the benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables. Phytonutrients in isolation, however, may have a negative effect on some people and can not provide all the health benefits of whole foods. This may be surprising to some people who read about the benefits of fruit and vegetable phytonutrients, but it is also true.

We'll talk later.

First, however, important to know that did not contain antioxidant phytonutrients polyphenols. These are compounds that give vibrant colors and fruits and vegetables. Phytonutrients known as lutein, lycopene, carotene, anthocyanin and zeaxanthin are all examples of polyphenol antioxidants.

It is the ingredient label phytonutrient powder or other supplements may be referred to in other terms, such as carotenoids, beta-carotene and xanthophylls. You may also see beta-carotene, known as vitamin A, beta-carotene, but it is converted into vitamin in the body.

Fruit & Vegetable Phytonutrients

The health benefits of lutein, beta carotene and zeaxanthin are associated with good vision throughout life. A supplement containing phytonutrients lutein and zeaxanthin may be recommended for people with a family history of cataracts or macular degeneration, either of which can eventually lead to blindness. Carotene in carrots and other orange vegetables, has been recognized for its importance for good vision.

Carotene and retinol are the two food sources of vitamin A. She, like many other vitamins, can also be created synthetically in the laboratory. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to night blindness, dry skin and many other serious eye diseases. If the label indicates only a powder vitamin A phytonutrients, the use of this material may be discouraged.

It would be better products made from whole fruit and vegetable phytonutrients.

Carotene are not toxic to the human body. While excessive consumption of carrots and other vegetables containing carotene may cause yellowing or bronzing of the skin, not dangerous.

On the other side. Excessive consumption of dietary supplements containing retinol or vitamin A artificially created can be toxic to the liver and cause dry skin and hair loss, women of childbearing age should be particularly careful that their vitamin supplements because excessive consumption can cause birth defects.

It is suspected that long-term use of dietary supplements containing retinol or vitamin A light may lead to osteoporosis, a disease in the elderly, in which the bones become fragile and easily broken or cracked. The external symptom of osteoporosis is a loss of height and a gradual curve of the spine.

Although carotenoids are converted to vitamin A as needed, studies have shown that food supplements containing vitamins and various forms of beta-carotene and others should be avoided by smokers and those with lung irritation from tobacco smoke or ' asbestos.

Originally, researchers hoped that these supplements to prevent or reduce the risk of lung cancer in these groups, as is the case of non-smokers and people whose lungs are healthy, but studies have been stopped early due to a high mortality rate.

The American Cancer Society has called for warning labels for smokers are placed in a dietary supplement that contains phytonutrients or otherwise isolated from vitamin A or beta-carotene.

Whole Foods and the whole food supplements do not fall into this category.

Products: Fruits and Vegetables Phytonutrients

Phytonutrient powder may contain vitamin C, which is abundant in most fruits and vegetables, phytonutrients, such as vitamin C has many health benefits. Vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy, a disease in which gums become spongy and bleed, leading to tooth loss and possibly death.

A simple lack of long-term vitamin C in the diet can lead to depression and fatigue. Many chronic diseases are considered related to a lack of vitamin C in the diet. Suppose that atherosclerosis, the main form of heart disease and the number one murderer in the United States, is linked to the chronic lack of long-term intake of vitamin C sufficient.

In athletes, bodybuilders and weightlifters, vitamin C taken before his individual activity seems to increase strength and endurance. However, more than 1000 mg per day may reduce the effect of muscle recovery is due to all the body's natural antioxidants, not a single vitamin or mineral. If a supplement contains phytonutrients over 1000 mg of vitamin C and are interested in muscle and strength, though perhaps not the supplement for you.

Fruit and vegetable phytonutrients Summary

It would be impossible to completely cover all the benefits of many fruits and vegetable phytonutrients in an article of this length. It would be impossible to cover all the warnings about particular people thinking of buying an extra phytonutrients or phytochemicals powder.

Moreover, a simple sentence covers the whole food and whole food supplements, can be a safe and important that people improve their health and welfare because they are made of the total fruit or vegetable and contains only individual components.

Russell Cantwell is editor fruit and vegetable phytonutrients Visit to learn more about whole food supplements that take it personally.

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