We interrupt the cancer complain bitch lost a friend to give some strange news need to remove the lymph nodes. Apparently, the surgeons do not need to take as often as they did. Journal of the American Medical Association reports on the investigation of invasive breast cancer in women who had lumpectomies, radiation, and biopsies sentry. This means that the lymph node, mainly tumor was removed and examined. In general, physicians have responded to cancer by removing more nodes nodes. New research shows that women who had cancer in the sentinel only be removed, but not other lymph nodes, had the same survival rate of women who have had the same treatment (lumpectomy, radiation), and had more 10 or more lymph nodes removed. The problem is that with more nodes removed increases the risk of lymphedema, which is swelling of the arm.
Women with lymphedema is to wear these compression sleeves (and people say they are a burden to bear, even if you cover them with cool designs for My Sassy sleeves, above.)
New England Journal of Medicine reported a similar survey last month. The American Council on Science and Health noted that the New York Times did not report on the previous study. This new report, "said HSCC, Dr. Gilbert Ross, it is clear that we have at least two solid studies that show pretty clearly that for some populations of women with small breast cancers, the survival benefit of lymph nodes radical shift removed lymphedema and other complications.
Woodman, spare that tree!