Sometimes however you receive nice mail and I really can't tell you how much it helps.
I've received lots of cards, flowers, vegetables, home cooking, lovely smellies, a talking teddy bear, (Yes, you did read that correctly - and he's lovely), comments on my blog and good wishes from so many people since my diagnosis.
All have made a difference to how I feel about this mess I've found myself in.
Since I've been off work sick, my work friends Hazel & Christine have continued to send me regular cards just to say 'Hi - keep going' etc and it means such a lot to me.
I have 'fears' about returning to work as I've been off for so long now - and thinking I'll be feeling like the 'new kid on the block' again after all these years of working there - but they've continued to make me feel that I am still a part of the team and this will help me so much when I do return.
Today I received two cards, one from the girls at work and one from my lovely sister.
They couldn't have arrived at a better time as today I'm sore, bleeding again, uncomfortable and feeling like this bloody wound is always going to be a problem (I *know* it will heal eventually but it's such a drag at the moment).
Yesterday it was feeling a little better, today back to square one again :-(
But how can I continue to feel crap when I get such lovely mail (*and NO bills today either) :-)
Thank you Hazel and Christine for this lovely card below

And Thank you Sis for always being aware of when I need a lift and letting me know that despite being SO far away from me physically, you're still with me all the way - love you loads too xx

A card, a call, a text, an email, a comment on my blog, a long chat with the lovely Tony last night - it all helps to keep me motivated.
So, a big thank you to everyone that has me in their thoughts. I just wanted to let you know that it really does help.