Yogurt Lids fight cancer?

Posted by admin on 9/22/08

I was watching tv tonight and noticed a Yoplait Yogurt commercial in which they are asking everyone to send in their yogurt lids as part of a fundraiser.

From the Yoplait website:
During our annual drive, for every pink lid you send in Yoplait® will donate 10 cents to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, up to $1.5 million. And we guarantee a donation of at least $500,000. So grab your friends, coworkers, yoga class or neighbors and start getting involved today.

10 cents for every lid!?
Why not just donate the price of postage directly to the Susan G. Komen Foundation? Do the simple math, one person sends one lid to Yoplait. They spent a MINIMUM of 42 cents for postage! That's over 4 times the money that would be raised!
Am I missing something here?

I'm no hippie, but it would seem that Yoplait is killing the environment as well. They want you to rinse the lid, bag it in a plastic bag and mail it.
Waste water, waste gas and use a shit ton of plastic.
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