I just don't have the greatest luck with metronomes. The last one I had I recently replaced because it wouldn't turn off. The one I just got the other day won't turn on. I got it out of the package tonight, thinking I would practice. Oh well, third time's a charm, right? I'll just have to try again.
I have some good news. I am going to start playing out again. And I also have a CD Release party coming up. Woo hoo!
Okay, it's the night before chemotherapy 5 and tomorrow we will hear how the tumor is responding to treatment thus far when we receive the results of last Wednesday's PET scan.
All day today, my mind felt rather blank. It's not a bad feeling, just a little strange. I felt more like a passive listener/perceiver than an actor. It also felt like things were going in slow motion. What is there to do but go with it and practice "being here now."
Even so, I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't be glad once tomorrow is over and done with.
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