Will You Merry Me

Posted by admin on 4/15/09

In my dream last night was a couple I met in my January trip to New Orleans. In my dream I think it must've been around Christmas time because...the girl was on the floor in this sort of maze thing covered by solid glass (She wasn't trapped, she was just playing,...it made sense in my dream!) and her boyfriend was writing on top of the glass by moving around this liquidy paint stuff. It was red and green. Like Christmas. He wrote "Will You Merry Me?" I waited to hear the answer but she never spoke. The answer eventually came in the form of a pillow she had made and knit her response on the top. She said, in different words, "let's wait." She wasn't ready yet I guess.
So I started exercising two days ago. Funny, I had forgotten all about exercise. Someone suggested it to me as a way to release anger/energy. I realized that that was a fantastic idea and would be super good for me. Exercise had not really been a part of my mental vocabulary since this all began, and not really that much before it either. Exercise is something I tend to either overdo or not do at all (kind of like everything???) Okay, maybe I've never really "overdone" exercise. Ha ha ha. But I go through periods of time where I just totally forget about it. The thought to exercise does not even enter my mind. Exercise takes patience. And it is, generally, a very positive, life-affirming act. So I went for a bikeride. And funny enough, I was reminded later by my father that I was not supposed to exercise 48 hours prior to the PET/CT scan. Oops. The one day I decide to do it I was not supposed to! That also totally slipped my mind. I guess I have a slippery mind. Hmmm..Well I did it again today...exercise that is. And I liked it.
The PET/CT scan went well. The two people who "worked on me" were the same as last time. The girl said that she remembered me because I was around her age and was one of the youngest patients they saw there. The radioactive stuff they injected into my veins comes in a big silver cylandar! Pretty crazy. It looks like something you would use in outer space. Then of course there is the two hour wait while it takes effect. I don't mind the wait though. I had the small room to myself so I got the comfortable chair and warm blankets. I read a little while and then fell asleep. It scared me (and probably startled her) when the girl came to wake me up. I gasped really loudly. The twenty minutes in the PET/CT machine went by very quickly and before I knew it, the process was done. Then I had a nice lunch with my dad at Mango Mango's. Yum.
Tomorrow morning is the third and final studio session at Eclipse with Jim Stafford. Someone from the paper is going to interview me for an article! I have already picked out what I going to wear. And I think I am going to go with the red wig, though I am tempted to wear the blue. Image is everything! Ha ha ha. Just kidding (obviously).
Tonight I was brainstorming about the positive aspects of this experience and one major one has to be the realization of what wonderful friends I have here on Planet Earth!!! I already knew they were amazing, but now I realize even more how incredibly lucky I am to have such bright lights shining in my sky/life!! Another great thing about this experience is POOKA! I love love love her!!!
Well, time to catch some Zzzzzzzz's.
Love you guys!

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