Yesterday two people on two separate occasions told me they sensed anger in me. One of these people was in Arizona and the other was in Malaysia! One of them I spoke with on the phone, and one just barely through e-mail. How wild. The emotion/energy really is trying to get through and out of my emotional/psychic system. It is true. I really want to be free of that stale energy. Every once in a while it is really hard not to listen and get lost in that voice that says "everything went terribly wrong and NOW look where you are." It is true that this is the most challenging situation I have ever faced and it occasionally seems to bring up any feeling of a broken heart that I have ever had. But this and everything that preceeded it happened for a reason. I don't believe that it all happened for no reason, or to leave me angry, hurt, and confused. And unfair as it feels like life is sometimes, I know it doesn't really work that way, and that things are not as they seem. Looking through that lens is accepting to go on a ride of doom and gloom. I am not going to go on that ride, nor am I going to go out on that ride. I am not going to give into that pity party. It is no fun. It narrows the perception and blocks out the light. And the light is shining. Very much so. There is so much love for me. So much. And all of this is happening out of that love. All is unfolding out of that love. It is the love that makes me cry and smile at the same time. It is the love that I feel when I hear the song "Come What May." I feel the love just beaming out as the tears roll down my face. I felt it when I was a kid and I still feel it now. Love is not going anywhere. So stop running.
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