God? Universe?

Posted by admin on 2/28/10

The Ultimate Tease
God? Universe? Hey, whatdoya say?
I take it a straight answer just ain't your style these days?
Because from here it seems
You're dangling in front of my vision
My highest hopes and dreams
Yet I get the feeling that you are really teasing me.
I imagine that the message I receive from you
Is enough to make anyone break down and cry:
EITHER, you will be quite happy and successful, my dear, enjoying a full, long life
Your days are numbered, poor soul, you are destined by nature to suffer and die.
God? Universe? Now, I don't mean to interfere or criticize,
but don't you find this set up to bear resemblence to a cruel torture device?
Or perhaps breaking hearts and shattering dreams is your speciality.
And you won't let me go, not until you've got the best of me, down on my knees.
God? Universe? It's not that I don't respect and appreciate you,
I just wish I could have more faith in the future, I really do.
That it will come and I will still be here to be a part of it.
I think I want to live more than I ever did
Now that I see how happy I can be.
Now that I see the world is me .
I see my place in it.
And I embrace it.
I just want to stay.
I want to play.
I'm not ready to go away.
It ain't over till it's over
And today is not that day.
At least that is what I have to say
About it, God? Universe?
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