21st Jan - day 17 of 2nd chemo cycle

Posted by admin on 1/21/11

Well, here we are again, another day crossed on the calendar!
No too different to yesterday regarding the side effects.

I did some cleaning and washing, played on my computer,
(Quite honestly, I still tire easily, and I had a very active 2 days with  Roxanne, so I indulged in some couch potato time!)

I had a phone call from the Oncologist at he Hospital. This was yesterday afternoon.
He was asking if I was well, and how I was coping with the chemo.

Awww, how nice, I thought........

The reason he phoned is that I was supposed to be at the hospital, and he was concerned because I wasn't there!
I had forgotten.

See, I told you that I couldn't focus and concentrate very well!
So, I now have to go to the Hospital on Monday to discuss how I am coping with the chemo, and discuss the next stage....Radiotherapy.
I have to go to Hospital on Tuesday for blood tests.
And I have to go on Wednesday for the next chemo infusion.
This is the last cycle until after the radiotherapy, when we start all over again!

(Carol gives a big sigh of fed upness!)
Yes, I know, there is no such word!

Yep, that is how I feel!

My son Keith phoned me yesterday.

He was in a car crash. He wasn't hurt, nor was anyone else, which is great news.
Sarah's car is a write off though.
They live in the Lake District and it is still very icy there, and there are a lot of windy roads on hills.
I should imagine that he is as fed up as I am, because his car gave up the ghost a week or so ago, and had to be scrapped.

Well, these things are sent to try us, and try us, they bloody do!

All in all, I feel fine!
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