So here is what I am thinking.
Thinking is a great tool but a terrible master.
Plus what are we building?
Well I guess we are building a society, a system in which there is ideally a place and purpose for everyone. We are also developing things...medicines, machines, materials. There is also the creation of needs for things. Extra things. There is an entire "greeting card" industry. What are these things but a distraction? I can see why people would want to run away from the things of the world and live a life of extreme simplicity. "Objects" can be so overwhelming...objects both of the mind and of the world. And the pressure to accept it all and buy into it is practically contagious. We watch others and take on their behaviors. Automatically. Ha ha ha. The ironic thing is that I am writing this and delaying the action that I need to take. What I need to do is take control of the chaos pile in my room. It was my I have stuff that I need to figure out where to put....and I dislike greatly the mundanity of that activity. The pile of things reminds me of what it feels like to have piles of thoughts in my head. It's such a waste of time!!! (One could argue that it is a greater waste of time to write about it. ) The thing is, I'm just so easily distracted. I get lost in indecision and in my resistance to the activity at hand. I don't know where to put things. I don't care. I want less things and more of my heart. Less mind and more moment. Less craving and more creativity.